
Physical movement and expression is an important aspect of a well rounded program. At TESLA Country Day we provide ample opportunities to play outside each day and learn new skills that increase muscle movement, coordination, and gross motor control. All of our specialty programs are INCLUDED in tuition. There are no extra charges for yoga, jiu-jitsu, and music.

Our Program includes:

  • Daily stretching and exercise
  • Music and movement classes taught by music experts: Iddy Biddy Rockers and our Fine Arts Teachers
  • Kids Yoga
  • Dance
  • Jiu- Jitsu (for children four and older) Children three and younger have an age appropriate class activity
  • Obstacle course skills on our nature-based playground

*Seasonal programs may be added according to parent interest

Educating the mind without educating the heart is no education at all.
-Aristotle Claro