The Vision
Children benefit from a balanced education that enhances critical thinking, entrepreneurial skills, and social and emotional skills. These skills establish a life-long foundation for successful learning, personal well- being, and leadership.
TESLA Country Day provides a private preschool through fifth grade education with advanced instructional practices for young inquisitive learners.
TESLA Country Day has a balanced focus on STEM application (science, technology, engineering, math), personal well-being, physical movement, artistic expression, foreign language, leadership, and creativity.
Currently, we offer kindergarten in San Clemente and distance learning programs for TK through second grade.
Nikola Tesla had hundreds of patents registered in his name for his lifelong work with electricity. His inventions and discoveries, particularly in the late 1800s, are the basis for much of our modern lifestyle. His innovative work, fueled by human curiosity and science influences our life today.
Much like Nikola Tesla’s dedication to alternating currents and wireless transmission shaped our world today, TESLA Country Day is dedicated to advancing inquisitive learners understanding of technology, engineering, science, leadership, and art. Thus contributing to the future advancement and preservation of innovation, entrepreneurship, and global well-being.
Our school is one of a kind.
TESLA Country Day is designed for the benefit of our community and for the children that will grow up to make decisions that influence the way in which we live, communicate, and share a planet that supports us all.
Our founders are searching for a location for our school building. At this time, we offer in person classes and distance learning classes.
The future of our school includes:
A school culture and curriculum aiming to strengthen resiliency and nurture curiosity so that young minds can thrive. Students curiosity and creativity will navigate the direction of their projects within the SmartLab classroom. In a Smartlab classroom, the curriculum engages the students to a deeper sense of purpose, allowing for exploration of the materials and technology and hands-on application of new skills and experiments.
The project-based curriculum will invite the imagination and engage deep thinking and problem solving; offering individual and group instruction emphasizing science, technology, engineering and math (STEM), innovation, creativity, entrepreneurship, and significance.
Student based projects will connect learning through real world problems that require the use of innovative technology, physical fitness, nutrition, ecology, art, music, field trips, and service learning.
This is the learning environment you wish existed when you were young!
Call for more details.

TESLA Country Day will offer:
Preschool through fifth grade private education
After school enrichment programs – Martial arts, robotics, drama, dance, volleyball and other various sports
Daily locally catered organic and non-genetically modified meals and snacks with vegan, vegetarian, and gluten-free options
Service learning projects within the community-Each class will have a local non-profit organization they support and connect with through the year
Foreign Language Track
What does education in the 21st century look like?
What do our future leaders, entrepreneurs, innovators, authors, and artists need?

Physical expression periods will include:
Yoga – Helping children to develop body awareness by learning how to use their bodies in a healthy way.
Volleyball – Teaching children how to work as a team, manage emotions, and stay fit while playing a fun game.
Martial arts – Providing children with the tools to gain of self-respect, self-control, and confidence.
Project-based learning teaches students how to interact with and understand the world in which they live, from a micro to macro level. With the technological changes heralded by the 21st Century and the emergence of globalization, it has never been more poignant for educators to effectively teach and prepare their students to become global citizens.
Through innovative, relevant and curiosity-based approaches, students will gather a deep understanding of the factors that have shaped their world, including culture, community, environmental changes, history, civics, citizenship and economics.
Students will be challenged to engage with these topics in a socially just manner; providing them with strong moral foundations that promote compassion, integrity, and global well-being; giving students the tools to succeed in an ever changing and complex world.
The development of students’ character will be guided through a strengths-based social and emotional curriculum emphasizing gratitude, self-regulation, sense of purpose, compassion, service, social skills, and integrity. To that end, an age appropriate amount of time will be dedicated each day toward reflective practice, allowing students to learn and utilize the tools of mindfulness, self-reflection, and relaxation.
Visit the educational research page at to learn more about:
Current educational research
STEM initiatives
Project-based learning
Kinesthetic learning
Social and emotional learning